Herbal Fab Blog: Humans of Herbal Fab

“I have a crooked leg, and I love to sing!”

Meet Rohan Chawla, a new member of our manufacturing team.

He has recently joined us in the quality checking department.

“I like it here. The people here are good, and so is the work.” Rohan stated when asked about his experience at HerbalFab.

“I have a chronic disability. A vein in my lower back is blocked, and I may never be able to walk well. I have gone through a few treatments; my condition was worse heretofore. Now I can walk down the stairs with ease.”

He added that he likes to sing (swipe to watch him sing :))

Rohan is one of the youngest members of our factory. He is hard-working and dedicated. We are glad to have him with us.

“Girls don’t study from where I come.”

Meet Ratna Jadhav, one of our elder staff from the garments manufacturing unit.

She helps around the team, primarily with trimming threads.

“Everything is good here.” Her response to how she likes it at HerbalFab, wise and precise.

“Schooling was never an option. Girls don’t study from where I come.”

She added, “I enjoy cooking! Puran Poli is my speciality! I would’ve made some for you beta if I’d known you were coming today.” As lovely and motherly as she can get!

Ratnaben is a charmer! She is not only good at her job but also a great teammate.

We’re glad to have her with us.

Herbal Fab Blog: Humans of Herbal Fab
Herbal Fab Blog: Humans of Herbal Fab

“They guide me like my big brothers.”

Meet Deep Vora, the young man who takes care of accounts and management at HerbalFab.

He joined our office two years ago through an internal reference, since then, there’s been no turning back!

“Initially, I was nervous joining HerbalFab. But I welcomed the opportunity with open arms. It was a great decision!”

We have seen Deep grow tremendously over the years. We are grateful and glad to have him on board.

“My parents don’t let me study, but I love reading!”

Meet Mohit Pal, an integral part of HerbalFab for two years.

He joined our manufacturing team as a helper in 2020. He is now operating on sewing machines.

“It feels homely here.” Mohit responded when asked about his experience with us. “It’s exciting too. I have learned so much here.” He exclaimed.

“At home, it’s just my parents and me. I had to give up on studying after high school due to difficulties in the family. I love reading! I also like to draw and sing sometimes.”

Yes! He did sing a little for us. And oh! The joy on his face!

Mohit has been with us for some time now, and we have seen him grow! He has a longing to learn new things. It’s good to have him at HerbalFab.

Herbal Fab Blog: Humans of Herbal Fab