Natural Dyeing

Not a newfound process, it was a common practice in ancient India. Historically done by hand and on small scale.

We at Herbal fab are just trying to revive the age-old dyeing practice followed by our ancestors on a small commercial level on machine to get more consistency and even ness of shade

We have developed the expertise to dye/print with flowers, roots, fruit skins etc. like Pomegranate Skin, myrobalans, madder, Amla, kesu flowers, dhavadi flowers, natural indigo etc.

Result is a beautiful range of earthy shades.

We have a fix palette here of some 8-10 shades and one has to play among those only

Natural Dyeing not only prevents water pollution due to replacement of petrochemical dyes with natural dyes, but likely to pass on medicinal value to cloth as many herbs used for dyeing are having high medicinal value.

Comparison of above Dyeing method with conventional textile processing

Parameters Conventional Textile Dyeing Natural Dyeing
Dyeing Chlorine Bleach Minerals, Salts
Scouring & Bleaching Coal Tar & Azo Dyes
Plants, Fruits, Seeds, Flowers, Roots Etc
Dye Fixing Chemical Fixers Minerals, Flowers
Finishing Optical Brighteners, Petrochemical Softeners Natural
Effluent Compulsory Treatment Of Waste Water Necessary
Waste Can Be Used As Manure
Innovation Almost 8000 Harmful Chemicals Used
Almost No Chemicals