Welcome to the Herbal Fab Blog Section

Think Before Your Next Purchase!!! Do You Really Need It?
Discounts and offers are tempting, making you purchase something which you actually don’t need. Are you passing through similar situation every time you receive an offer update ? If yes,

Cotton Traceability Project
Wanted to share a project we did for one of our UK customers wherein we traced back the Organic cotton fabric which we made to the final 20 odd farmers

Is Your Cotton Truly Organic?
Organic cotton refers to naturally cultivated cotton without the use of any synthetic agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides. It is internationally regulated by GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standards)

Why Are Sustainable Fabric–Clothing Options Expensive ?
This is a very common statement we hear about sustainable, Organic fabrics or clothing options available in the market. Did you wonder WHY? Is it justified? For end consumers product

MOQ Challenge in Sustainable Fashion Industry
We believe that a majority of the organic textiles’ business comprises of designers, small scale brands, and startups, who want to contribute towards the sustainability of available natural resources but

Are Cotton growing Farmers getting what they really deserve ?
Hearing a lot about sorry state of the farmers and rate of suicides, made us more and more curious as to what is actually going at the ground level. We

Looking at where the world is going in terms of climatic changes and intensity of damage to mother earth, of course fashion has a great role to play The fashion

Why Organic Clothing
Organic Clothing’s Rising Popularity Looking at where the world is going in terms of climatic changes and intensity of damage to mother earth, of course fashion has a great role

Humans Of HerbalFab
“I have a crooked leg, and I love to sing!” Meet Rohan Chawla, a new member of our manufacturing team. He has recently joined us in the quality checking department.